

Erebus is a C++ Project management tool written in ruby. The problem I tend to have with C++ projects is that they are not set to the way i think. I wanted a tool to enforce the way i wanted the project to work and use the make system I understand


Install it yourself as:

$ gem install erebus


To see a list of tasks erebus can do:


To create a new C++ project:

erebus project NAME

To create a new C++ project without Tests:

erebus project NAME –no-testing

To add Igloo Testing to an existing project:

erebus setup_test .

To create a header file:

erebus header NAME

To create a C++ source file:

erebus source NAME

To create a Igloo Test Spec:

erebus spec <Name of the class to test>

To create a C source file:

erebus source NAME –ext c

To generate a C++ class:

erebus cpp_class NAME

To generate a C++ class without Tests:

erebus cpp_class NAME –no-testing